Тайна Внутреннего времени


Change of the year is shrouded in mystery. Looking forward to this magical night.

What is special about going on the night of December 31 when the clock hands meet at number 12?

the Ringing of the chimes, people greet each other, and actually with what? There is the illusion that opened a special space where everything is possible. In this magical moment, we sincerely believe in the possibility of a happy change. A couple of weeks celebrating this event. After we begin to rake accumulated during idle days in the rubble of urgent matters. Did not notice how the spring came, then summer holidays. After the holidays, need time to get back into a working rhythm, and there are already close to the new year holiday.

a Vicious circle, the merciless wheel of time! Whether so it is mercilessly? Every night when the clock hands reach 12, opens magical space of possibilities. Life gives us 24 hours, still no tainted, untainted time. We're not late, no one was hurt, nothing was wrong. It's like fresh fallen snow, pristine white, perfect. A single track – a clean sheet for the new pattern of our life. It is something that belongs only to us. No one can take that away from us except ourselves.

why start our day with? A little late, did not have time at the fitness club, not called my mom. Went to son to school, etc. – dump of unfinished business. Everything is bad, nothing to lose, you can sleep another hour. Then, pulling myself from a warm bed, to catch up with a running day.

And the following night – again, a miracle. Magic, new gift – 24 hours of pure time. Another attempt to change their lives, to live day presented in new ways. What prevents to make this unique gift of life?

We took as truth the statement "time is money". In fact, time is infinitely more valuable than money. This irreplaceable resource. The wise Chinese saying "a piece of gold will not buy a piece of time." Moreover, for all the gold in the world cannot buy a single moment is truly priceless time of your life. What to do? Learn to manage time? Sounds presumptuous. To control the appearance in time is impossible. To manage yourself in time, sometimes it works, but for how long is enough enthusiasm?

And what can we manage? This is the mystery that I want to tell. The secret of inner time. External time is cyclical, it's really impartial a wheel that moves independently from us. Unlike money it cannot be stored for future use. But there is internal time. It is wholly owned by us, and we can accumulate. It is the internal amount of time to nourish our creativity. How do we collect it?

Every time we enter into his inner reality, time stops. And sometimes begins to flow backwards. If you have at least some experience of meditation, you have experienced something similar.

Regular practice creates the balance of activity and introspection. Connect the unconnected and miracles happen. We give loving attention to what's inside. It begins to purr. And becoming well. No need to wait for 31 December. I'm fine. Right now. Time slows down. It makes no sense to run to where would be best. Well now. There is a reason to celebrate life, but first pet the cat.

This can be done through the Practice of Silence. External time dealing with the copy of reality that the mind creates. We used to listen to our mind, which is slightly slowing down. He gives us a picture of the world with some delay. Internally helps to hear the world that exists by itself, without our interpretation. We need to tune into a live stream that is happening right now. You need to learn to listen.

the Technique is very simple in form. At any time, in any place, in any comfortable position for you. Silent, immersed in the silence and listen. We listen to our feelings, different sensations arising in the body, our breath. The breath here as the vehicle that moves us into space Now. There is a wonderful metaphor: "to return home, to breath", "to live in the breath". This is what we do: immersed in our breath. Stop moving, no feelings, no images. It's not the journey, our inner reality is a different process.

This is the process of returning itself to the world. Sync with the current moment of life. Ignore the provocations of the mind, trying to attract our attention. Allow thoughts to come and go all the time bringing attention to the breath. And when will affirm this quiet peaceful breathing, open world. Begin to listen to the world. Duration – any. Even a few minutes of inner silence will have its effect. The main thing – regularity.

the First time the silence you may be a little clean: sensations, feelings, memories can be not very pleasant. This is normal, it will pass. No need to deal with it. You can describe your feelings, to trust the paper and let go. The live stream will carry it. The living water will wash over and renew you. I recommend the practice to do daily, creating his the ritual process: time, place, and duration – according to your wishes and needs.

you Can do this practice in addition. In difficult situations, not to rush to find a solution – to take in the Silence.

What to expect the result?

Once through the Silence you'll be able to slip into the Magical space of the moment! There are flying butterflies! Real live butterflies your lightness, joy of life, fresh ideas. There is a time belongs to you. There dwells your Soul. You will hear her voice. You will know what to sow seeds to grow the life that you really want.

happy new day!

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