Упражнение "Путешествие семьи на 5 лет вперед"


Preface. Within the family it is important to realize whose goals you are implementing, the goals your parents, your spouse, your children or your own?
it is Important to take into account the interests of all family members (parents, children, spouse). And it is not easy, because a close people begin to affect our goals, by discouraging our goals, adjusting our dreams.

To your dream no one redrew, it is important to believe in yourself and stay true to her at all times. Unmet needs and then get out of unhealthy phenomenon in the relations between the relatives . The suppressed impulse unrealized dreams still makes itself felt, but when he backed into the subconscious, it becomes unmanageable. Every need, desire, dream has the right to be "heard" and accepted with respect. When we deny the dreams of our loved ones (spouse or children), or keep locked in his dream, we collect tension in the relationship and hence in his inner world, which translates irritation in the family.

How to get driven dreams and meet them? I propose to make exercise a "Family trip for5years ahead."

instruction: "Gather your family round the table. Must be all the members who live in the same area and have a joint budget. Even the youngest who can not speak. Because their presence will affect the family formation goals in the most direct way. So most of you will need to tell you in the beginning, how he sees his life in 5 years. Let your imagination run wild and write for a storyteller all his desires and dreams, show some respect, no comment. After hearing everyone tell me about their personal dreams and family dreams. The head of the family should tell what he sees his goals and family goals. It is important to come to a consensus and vision for the future of the family. I warn you, the first time you might not agree. But you can always return to the "negotiations". The objective of this activity to outline a common vision of family development for the next 5 years, what goals it would like to implement all members of the family. When will be ready a plan to compile a list of available resources to achieve the objectives and a list of resources that you will need to. And to start implementing the "Family dream"!J

Gromka Oksana

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