"Всё не рассказанное - длится" (М. Цветаева).


Tsvetaeva in the diaries and notebooks - just a scattering of wise and true thoughts. In the above quotation, I would just touch up a classic: all unnamed continues again and again.

"I know a thing only through the word (private)", which is also one of her recordings. And if you "forget" that the statement belongs to the poet, it easily applies to each of us.

What is the word? This mini-analysis. Then the third that appears between action and thought about it. To call means to understand. Therefore, it is important to NAME emotions and States, give them a name.

We often tend to describe the investigation of these States and emotions: they are well manifested in our lives, especially when we don't like what is happening. But that "don't like", cool stuff to name!

"I do not want to go out anywhere, I'm pissed off!" can mean: "I too long didn't give myself a break and was hard on myself, demanding the result." what is it? About despair, fatigue and anger.

Q: "Why is my adult the daughter is so cruel to me?" can have dire translation:"She's accusing me of in his "difficult childhood" because I feel this guilt and broadcast it to her."

...For every negative state is hidden strong feeling. And its verbal designation is the key to the exit.

Why so much acting simple naming?

  • the Word universal. If what I tested is wine, as they say, I'm not the first, not I last. And this is about the community with people.
  • the Naming is the separation. I don't stew in a chaos, and separate yourself from it, go beyond it.
  • Named sense and helps in therapy, and self-awareness. Because next time it will be easier to be recognized and identified. And understanding much easier.
  • to Sustain what has shape - much easier than a vague "horror". So expanding an individual "container" and stabiliziruemost relationship becomes more solid social and financial position. Appear, strength and energy.

...you Can try right now: what is your current status?