Василиса (сказка о женской трансформации)


Once, on a beautiful Sunny day, beautiful butterfly circling in the meadow, flitting from flower to flower. Long admired her dance flowers and trees, and in the heart the most beautiful flower in the meadow, she left a lovely tiny testicle. Flower treasured precious gift, kept it from rain and wind, and when the time came, the egg was in motion and produced a wonderful creation. Multi-colored long body was decorated with many villi that have been played and shimmered in the sunlight, and crowned with the splendor of it all neat head with upturned moustache, wide-open astonished eyes and a huge smiling mouth.

-Cheers!!! Yelled the caterpillar (and it is) all over the clearing.

I'm there!!!

So the world learned about the existence of Vasilisa.

Vasilisa has grown, developed, and gradually came to know the surrounding world. At first it was limited to a clearing where she Islazul every inch, knew the names of every blade of grass and flower, was friends with the ants and bees, went to visit an old cedar and helped the squirrels to store nuts. Then she met birds, and so they took her far, far away, in the neighboring forest, where everything was different – and trees and flowers and animals. She loved to go to visit the frogs in the big pond, where he sat on the beach and could spend hours to observe the flight of butterflies and dragonflies.

Vasilisa was loved by all. But she was curious, friendly and loved to help everyone. She loved to learn new things, and she always learned something. Bees showed her how to gather nectar from flowers and make a delicious honey, beavers taught her to build the dam, and the mole explained how to dig in the ground hole.

Often she was in a cheerful mood, and then her fiery laughter, like bells, rang throughout the forest. But sometimes she was sad, and sat peering into the distance, as if waiting for something.

as time Went on. Over the spring and summer truly came into its own. The sun shone summer bright, a riot of colors subsided, the grass and flowers acquired more noble muted shades.

But Vasilisa increasingly sad, dreaming about something, as she thought, impossible. For hours she sat, looking at the horizon, and something inside her begged out, echoing vague longing in his soul.

And one morning, intense anxiety has gripped Victoria. It seemed that everyone around is against her. And outside burst into a real storm. Sky long gray with the gloomy clouds, the wind howled viciously, breaking branches of trees, blades of grass groaned under the weight of fallen from the sky water flows. Beasts hid in their burrows, the birds stopped chattering and, cowering from the cold, quivered on the branches of trees, everyone tried to find at least some shelter. Thought about shelter and Vasilisa. But was horrified to find that she could no longer take a step. Its as if paralyzed. Moreover, some goo covered her all the way to the retreat, zamatyvala her as in a cocoon. Vasilisa prepared to say goodbye to life. The last layers of a sticky mass left her in total darkness, completely cutting off her path to freedom.

But then she felt something gently cradles her like waves. This tree branches carefully picked up the cocoon. Don't worry, all will be well – whispered the unseen voice. The ants gently dragged the still cocoon in a hollow tree, protected it from rain and wind. And the birds sitting on the branch opposite, quietly chirped a quiet, soothing song. Peace and quiet covered Vasilisa, and she fell into oblivion, as if asleep under the warm tweet.

it is Unknown how much time is spent Vasilisa unconscious. But once she felt that everything around her was in motion. And she began to move, obeying some inexplicable rhythms, and with every movement as if freed, discarding all unnecessary, and with every breath closer to something invisible but beckoning. And now, in the distance glimmered the first sunbeam. Vasilisa gathered the last effort and rushed up, merging with the flow of air and light. And, lo and behold, she was on a familiar glade, but the glade was downstairs, and Vasilisa somehow mysteriously kept in the air without falling, and she could control this movement, driven by some irresistible inner rhythms.

Oh! I can fly! – guessed Vasilisa.

before reaching the pond, she saw in the water my reflection and not recognize yourself. In the mirrored surface of the pond reflected a beautiful butterfly, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow.

Vasilisa was happy but also upset.

-now no one will know me! thought her.

But she was wrong, because her body visibly polegate crowned the graceful head with the same amused wide open eyes and wide, charming smile.

Hey, Vasilisa! We've missed you! How you prettier! – together rushed from all sides.

Enough chat with friends, and having heard all the news that happened in the woods in her absence, Vasilisa finally got the opportunity to enjoy the flight. She opened all new and new possibilities, and now no distance is no obstacle for her a new body and a strong but elegant wings.

And then one day, flying over a strange meadow, she saw Him, this big, strong, with powerful wings and masculine profile. And whirled Vasilisa in the mating dance, she forgot everything in the world, mixed day and night, heaven and earth, flowers and trees. And for the first time knew of Vasilisa the feeling of Love and fullness.

Happy she was back on a familiar glade, gleefully circling in an unknown dance. And everyone around admired her – flowers, trees, birds, beasts. And plenty nadrugavshis, she carefully dropped into the heart of the most beautiful flower in the meadow a tiny pearl egg.

Natalia Kosyakova