В активном поиске... работы


the Theme of employment relevant to many people. And often, the job search becomes protracted, exhausting process that creates huge problems for the human personality.

the circumstances of the job search can be quite different, but at the same time, increased anxiety, fears, emotional instability lead to the demise of the forces of insecurity, of low self-esteem.

first and foremost, this is due to the painful waiting for the decision of the administration. So many job seekers complain of dozens or even hundreds of completed and sent questionnaires summary, but at the same time, feedback from employers, should not be. People once again make sure the corrupt system of the impurity of employment in a number contrary to common sense circumstances until guidance on it the damage or the evil eye, i.e. the focus is on the outer locus of control, when a person is unable or unwilling to take responsibility in decision-making, to rethink, to re-look at the chain of recurring events.
unfortunately, the tendency of such an unstable emotional state of the applicant is negative view of the employment with the resulting accusations and all.

the First several visits, appeals to potential employers who, for whatever reason (or even without reason) denied employment take a person out of mental equilibrium, and give rise to the syndrome of the troublesome expectation of failure. Man continues to search for work, but as a "chronic loser" with a firm conviction: "now I am denied again" and repeating events.

Therefore before the next next job interview you must either seek help from a psychologist or find the strength and volitional resources to answer very honestly to the following questions:

1. Why I want to work? Often the person says: "to have a lot of money!". But this is a very tricky setup, because without the awareness of the importance of professional activity for himself person will not be able to meet their needs.

"Lot of money" position, I would say, "child." She is in tune with the mood of the child in the "Children's world": "All I want!". And the failure of parents to buy any toys, throwing a tantrum

and here. In the desire to have a lot of money hidden love of issues requiring rational approach rather than emotional. Namely, the human need to build the scale of their material needs, on the basis of adequate to the situation. For example, "I need a salary of 80,000 rubles" (10,000 rubles for repayment of loans, 15000 on utilities, so much to food, etc.).

Second sub-item here is that awareness of the importance and value of their professional activities. Why it's important to me?

I need stability, confidence in tomorrow, in the end, I need personal development, career growth, the expansion of the boundaries of my relationships and competencies.

2. What is your ideal job? This question-exercise is also not easy. If people are responsible (under the influence again aggressive advertising spam "doing nothing") that would just spit at the ceiling, and the money would go, they would also talk about the immature personal position. Of course, the figures of billionaires in the history of many, but to achieve something like the desired idea. Therefore, it is very important bring a picture of their working day. How does my work day begin? What questions do I decide? What are the new challenges are put in front of me? and so on.
3. Very honestly answer the question: "do I Like this job?". Unfortunately, even the 30-40 year olds are still many stereotypes and attitudes about how "to please parents", "to make mother proud", etc. Therefore, it is important to choose a deal to his liking, not based on the interests of relatives. (And in parallel with a psychologist to work through the traumatic circumstances of the emergence and development of such fundamental views).
Thus, the main components of an active search should be determined entirely voluntary, the sincere desire to find a decent job, which will show expertise and create new opportunities for professional growth.

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Hope Arkhangelsk

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