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it would Seem – anything terrible. A girl of 12 tells us that for being late to a lesson the class teacher exposes the student to the following procedure: the student is forced to stay behind class cannot physically sit at his Desk, should try to record the lesson material, keeping a notebook and textbook the canopy. And so the whole lesson.

For the girl and her classmates, the situation is familiar, unpleasant. Teachers, she believes the most unloved of all (the girl is very good, the school is in the highest degree decent slope in physics and mathematics).

we Decide to investigate the situation.

apparently, the purpose of such punishment is to teach the discipline, the need for which is obvious. However, the approach of negative reinforcement seems archaic, considering that it is used even on the background of positive reinforcement, in and of itself and, thus, is simply an act of humiliation for the student and a way to Express aggressive feelings for the teacher.

Such methods are good to work with close-knit groups where the punishment is not seen as deeply individual, "divided" among members of the community, becoming so unbearable and motivates for further work; also, negative reinforcement is widely used in the training process until the mid-20th century. However, it seemed that since pedagogical science has learned much more about the psyche of the child and the adolescent. In high school, the child is not the owner of the perceptive psyche, but of intelligence and consciousness, there are already initial abstract thinking with children it is possible to work through the higher mental function, speech, and not regress to behavioral acts influence.

There is an absolute understanding that such the selection of the pedagogical strategy of the teacher is made possible due to fear of loss of control, anger and desire to suppress the protest of the student by exciting in him a deep sense of guilt and public (which is particularly acute is perceived by teenagers) to shame.These emotions of the teacher is understandable, because working with adolescents is difficult, to endure their anger and underlined the acts of disobedience (which in the tender form should be considered late for the first lesson) can be tolerated for the teacher, but the situation could have been avoided in that case, if the teacher does not accept such attacks on myself and has a flexible and responsive awareness that the essence of protest behavior is absolutely normal for the period of puberty, and is not a threat to the individual teachers, but only the best way to implement the separation of the child from the key family figures (parents) necessary for the further development of a healthy personality. The transfer of the image of the parents to the teacher and, especially, the classroom teacher, is almost inevitable, so the teacher has to conduct his professional activities in the conditions of enough strong emotional pressure, if it works with teenagers.

The more important is the teacher to understand the laws of mental development in all three stages of adolescent development: to facilitate workflow and not to slip into the role of "angry parent" to which the teacher successfully provoked entrusted to teenagers. Thus it will be possible to get away from the unbearable their own feelings of anger, fear of loss of control (authority), helplessness and release the resource directly for teaching, creative work. The beneficiaries will be the children whose class teacher is not so to burn out emotionally, allowing them to get closer, to move away from confrontation and punishment system and feel more secure, create an atmosphere productive of harmonious cooperation and respect to each other.

Kostkina Elena

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