Техники работы при сексуальных комплексах партнера - 12


Technique "Debriefing"

Objective: the changing nature of communication between partners.

Time needed to implement technology: 15-30 minutes.

instructions:Partners sitting next to each other.Specialist explains the essence of the rules of the debriefing: *this is an intimate and emotionally connecting conversation *observe the rules (participation optional, the lack of evaluation and criticism, etc.), *partners need (in turn) to tell each other and discuss the events, emotions and feelings experienced during the day (failure, joy, etc.)

Specialist gives the couple homework to conduct daily debriefings. At the subsequent meeting analyzed the dynamics of the relationship.

note.the Debriefings allow partners to show each other their interest and their concerns to life partner.

Result: partners learn to solve communication problems associated with communication, for example, joint discussion of important and intimate issues.

Value of engineering: is set, the partners, regularly leading the debriefings, have a high degree of satisfaction with your life together.

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