Тайна аллергии: токсическое терпение. Часть 3.


people with allergies have one thing in common - patience, lot of patience.

Patience is the ability to overcome difficulties, to withstand a large amount of tension.

However, this ability is a point of development that prevents purposeful activities. They know how very long to be patient and wait. Suffer constant discomfort in the body, discomfort. Afraid to show displeasure or irritation, look for ways to avoid "sharp" corners in the relationship. All the energy that they have is aimed at myself and containment activities. The long wait for the right moment to implement their ideas into life. As the time passes, the symptoms worsen and there is only more to endure and to wait.

If you think about it, patience is needed to bring the started business to the end, to wait, to overcome the internal obstacle. It interferes when life becomes a continuous "stop", avoiding problems, and allergies this helps. There is an objective reason to do nothing.

As you can see this ability differently: on one side of the sheet write down all that you suffer: Allergy symptoms, or uncomfortable circumstances. On the other half of the sheet write what you are willing to do not to suffer.

for Example, you avoid places where there are allergen. Don't walk in nature, doing everything possible to stabilize his condition, while suffering the inconvenience. The opposite of this would be walking in the woods or Park, often stay outdoors. What emotions and feelings do you experience in that situation, allowing ourselves to imagine it. And now write something that can be a zero - balance, between the four walls and frequent walks in the open air. This will be the viable option, will you seek that will allow you to live your life and spend energy on their own desires.

Mystery allergies: a psychologist's look. Part 1. https://www.b17.ru/blog/90211/

Mystery allergies: a psychologist's look. Part 2. https://www.b17.ru/blog/94114/

to apply for a consultation by phone.: 8 (916) 434 - 96 - 81.

Anastasia Series

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