Устранение проклятий, переданных по роду. Решение проблемы одиночества и нерождения детей. Психогенетика


to be Continued. The beginning of the story in part 1.

so I let go of my customers from Moscow home to some modification and clarification. Our previous work was pretty tense, including, and unprepared for such "twists of fate" mentality.

my question is: how did you sleep last night, the mother replied that: "very bad." She was dreaming about something unpleasant, frightening, causing discomfort. She even turned on the light, something supernatural was present, and it was like closer.

When I, again, as esoteric psychotherapist, began to delve deeper into the situation, it turned out that the problem here must be resolved. You just need to do some post-installation steps.

now, the nun has not fulfilled its mission, it should have put the birth of a child, but it was not in her power. Now voltage no longer need anyone. And her mission - being with the daughter, has lost all meaning, because a family curse and "skeleton in the closet" has come to an end, and the daughter it worked only partly.

you may want to answer some questions you may have. I like esoteric psychotherapist, did not move into the situation and find out: what was the mission of the nuns. As a kind of echo: grandfather something did not please the Orthodox, and he had cast that curse. But sometimes, there is another aspect.

I call it: "game of Gods". The people are just pawns. They perform some of their actions unconsciously. But sometimes there are not shown the aspect of the divine play that we don't realize and will never realize. Because it is a computer (the universe, or Gods) is simply incomprehensible to our consciousness. Yes, the Gods have put us on the chessboard, and we make some moves. They are betting, and people think that live by their own rules and laws.

the idea that the nun wants to go to God, and we did some manipulation to ensure that it is already out of the problematic circle of this family, and to herself (by and large, it is also a soul that toils). From above it's something like a resolution. Karma has been completed. The mother saw the skull of a nun, was not a problematic condition, it soon disappeared, along with the bones, once geared for the physical world.

the Daughter of will now free. And can build his destiny as he sees fit. It no longer holds, and does not preclude, except that only psychological problems: inability to build and develop relationships with the opposite sex, because there is no such experience, and never was, and lowered self-esteem, despite its attractive appearance, also is a big problem... My client from Moscow is not very confident, and believes that can not like, and be interesting for men.

This is a separate issue to study the situation of psychology and psychotherapy.

But something didn't let go yet. It turned out the following: insult to God – it should not be.

Nobody's fault that it happened, what happened. That was the way, not arguing: it was not easy. Somewhere the fault of the ancestors, where the situation is, and God is nothing to do with it.

Mother said that she feels a heaviness inside, the vows that she gave more of herself: don't go to Church, not to put candles etc. Sometimes I really wanted to take and to violate this prohibition. In any case, binding to roots, at least on the level of consciousness, are preserved.

and now, ought to thank God and the Saints that have helped us in this work for completion – ordering too some rites in the Church by putting candles in order to feel an inner relief and to finish it all for yourself.

We belong to different religious faiths, but this does not prevent us in the depths of his soul, to believe in God, and visit the Holy places, the same Church, to fill themselves with the pure and light energy. And to take it in a positive sequel to his changed, now lives.

P. S. This article is fictional and real characters is irrelevant. #sexologically #anorgasmia #vaginismus #seksologov #frigidity

Afanasyev Lily

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