Успех и Любовь к себе


the Success of
. Many people perceive success is not quite adequate. Most measure success money, accomplishments, career, earned “likes” that is, material things. And we understand that many in this deeply unhappy. I guess to be successful – the extent to which people are satisfied with their life, satisfied, happy, and how life brings him joy. Another criterion of success can not be!

to Feel and to feel successful – the highest skill, just because you are well in this specific present moment.

If you are a lucky man – you successful, no matter whether you have career and money, or not as you superficially attractive-it does not matter. And after all, if you are unhappy, it does not matter what you do, how you look and what you have in your wallet.

Love yourself. If a person loves and respects himself, he is familiar with the feeling of love and he knows how to handle it: to care, to give attention and to take another. Then, man is able to be in a personal relationship. When a person loves himself, he is gentle with themselves and others. He who does not love and does not take himself, loves no one. And it is important not to confuse self-love and self-pity. A man who loves himself is trying not to do anything that's annoying him. No money, no way, under any circumstances.  self-pity  – conversations from the category of “am I unhappy, why am I so unlucky, why I don't have it ....”. Of course this sad story from childhood🍼.  When a child is born, he receives from his parents (significant adults involved in his upbringing) sense and a sense of security, physical contact, warmth, emotional and physical, nutrition and care. And it makes any living creature reciprocal feeling-love. What is the tragedy of man in childhood that love was “formal”- that is, it was not emotionally healthy contact with parents, and formal care: as ate, I slept, what assessment has how to behave in school, happy or no parents? Such person lives from the position of victim, and therefore behaves like a victim. He's not taking responsibility for your life, he is not able to care for themselves and each other, can not build a healthy relationship as a couple, parent-child relationships and successful social communication. Take care of yourself.

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