Тень уникальности


do You consider yourself unique?
I'm asking you seriously.
Each of us in the shower feels special and unique and are ready for more.

When you're a kid, the world revolves around you.
When you become a teenager, you think that before you opened the whole world and you are exactly the person who will be able to turn. You have an inner core of something magical and huge.
So you live waiting for a miracle a while, and then become for adults and stop dreaming. Stop believing in yourself. Your rod starts to bend to this world, and in the end can even touch the ground.
to get it back, put in place, may not have enough strength, or time, or opportunities, or even many of your “or”.

I often see such people. Madly want to approach them, shake them, saying their genius, of their inner core.
But they either don't want to hear, or know everything themselves and prefer not to stir up old wounds, or prefer to wait.

Wait for pink magic, its time to shoot or some event, but I can't understand the main thing, the change must occur inside of them.
the Rod inside you, and it means that no scenery can't change that.

- I know I can move mountains - says my client, but for some reason can't run their business.

I know that I can make millions, but I prefer to be the best among the “homeless” because they deceive themselves with the responsibility that myself and came up with - says Maxim.

My time has not come, even if I know that she create Hell or Heaven in my life. Yes, while I have to live in Hell, but when my time comes, everything will change - often says Veronica. The question of when will she understand that this time, she prefers to be silent.

Then you look back and realize that this is an illusion. It was all illusions! No you are a unique person, you're just like thousands of others!
there is no rod! It was a hoax youth! But in order not to get bogged down in this wild awareness, you convince yourself in a new illusion that you are old and you later change something!

the Horror of the situation that is faced every second with it!
just Think why do we not see this?
Why not act?
I want to get me stirred up!
I want in my life is gone my “or”!
I want not to lose faith.
Faith in your uniqueness!
In the inflexible rod inside of me!
And for this I am ready to fight with the main opponent in my life, you!
what do you choose?

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