Тайная сторона денег. Что «любят» наши деньги?


no matter How often we repeated that "money can't buy happiness", with dignity and live happily without money, it is unlikely that someone will succeed.

  • the Money you earn and spend adults people, but the relationship with money many adults is often quite childish frivolous (and financially illiterate).
  • Our people love to dismiss the "peacock's tail" showing off your money, deliberately flaunting exposing their spending and acquisitions.

unfortunately, this does not mean serious and prudent attitude to money.

Hence the sad financial results — money is often not enough, many families mired in debt and loans.

Now write a lot and say that the amount of money in the purse entirely depends on the way the human mind.

  • And therefore I suggest to meditate regularly and different ways to visualize their new filled with "untold riches" life.

If these mental exercises do have a positive impact on the financial well-being, we would come to work (and is work), sat in the Lotus pose and for 8 hours a day would be hard to visualize their rich, successful and happy life.

Only here to wait to "make" a million dollars is unlikely someone will succeed (on similar facts somehow are not reported, maybe because of their absence?)

How many people would not meditating, not visualized, not represented in bright colors and the smallest details of your finances is filled with life, the money from this is unlikely to ever appear.

  • But while, exactly, will be irrevocably lost.
  • Because in order to appear true/real, not fictional money to do real action, leading to the emergence of money (or opportunities for growth of their income).

Here are some of them:

first, the money should be able to earn (and continuously improve practical and applied skills).

second, with the earned money you must know how to handle.

So they did not disappear in the nearest boutique, car dealership or travel Agency (here one can substitute his "black hole", in which he completely wasted money).

third, the money must be invested.

Only by this they increase in the quantitative measurement (and not from the meditation or stay in the flow of high vibration).

for Sure, people will write in comments that "without miracles, life is boring", so give us magic and "the scarlet flower".

the Magic and money is a radically different matter. Don't confuse a tale and a real Bank account.


  1. Financiers (good knows how to handle their money) are not born, they become by training and practice.
  2. the Financiers know the laws of money know how to multiply them, to understand the possible risks.
  3. it Is not necessary to obtain higher education, learn to intelligently manage your personal finances.
  4. it is Sufficient to understand the basic principles of the movement of money and discipline to abide by simple rules of financial literacy.


  1. Read my other article "What skills are needed to become rich".
  2. Read my article "Where NOT to invest? TOP 3 most dangerous for the money."


Especially for esoteric:

Stuart McPhee

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