Влияние социального неблагополучия на личность


the Process of socialization (assimilation of human laws of society) is very important since, according to the leading theories in the domestic psychology, identity is formed in society. One of the violations this process is antisocial behavior - deviation from the norms established by society. As a rule, in most situations, this behavior indicates the presence of a conflict between personal interests and aspirations and social norms. In other words, there is a conflict between "want" and "need", or as I would call it Freudian, between the Super Ego and ID. In most cases, this conflict is as much of a hurt child that he wants to stay out of trouble and how to "build" your own world, with other laws and regulations, in most cases, negatively affects interaction with others. However, successful interaction with society can interfere with not only the deviant behavior of a negative character. Some people are seeking something new, wanting to achieve great academic success, and also reject the laws of society.

Deviations in behaviour are individual and group. Individual variations occur in cases where the individual rejects the established norms of behavior in the group, making it difficult to adapt and communicate with others. Group deviations create entire cultural layers. For example, children brought up in an orphanage, are often deviant, but within their society there are specific rules that everyone follows.

as there are primary and secondary deviation. When initial deviations are manifested only minor signs of deviant behavior that does not interfere with socialization. In secondary stage, the behavior is considered antisocial as an aberration more thoroughly.

there Are also socially acceptable variation, such as swarmintelligence, talent in a particular area, super motivation, and personal qualities which help the child in achieving the goals.

Now consider the possible causes of deviant behavior.

on the Basis of constitutional theories, people with a certain body type tend to do things that are condemned by society. However, in my opinion, in practice this is not confirmed – we can see this, look at the crime reports of any publishing house - crimes are committed by people with different height and weight.

According to the theory of Freud, a person suppresses his natural desire to violate the norms through the formation of self and superego, defined only by the culture of the society. On this basis, deviant behavior – the conflict between these components of personality.

Robert Merton developed a typology of behavior of individuals in their relationship to goals and means. According to this typology relevant to the objectives and means of any individual placed in the following classes:

- conformist accepts both the cultural goals and institutional means, to be approved in society, and is a loyal member of the society;

innovator is trying to achieve cultural goals (which he accepts) non-institutional means (including illegal and criminal);

- Ritualist receives institutional funds, which absolyutiziruyut, but the purpose to which he should strive with the help of these funds, ignores or forgets. Rituals, ceremonies and rules are the basis of behavior, at the same time, the original, non-traditional tools they usually rejected;

- isolated type moves as from cultural, traditional goals and institutional means necessary to achieve them (e.g. the homeless, drug addicts, alcoholics);

the rebel is in indecision regarding resources, and cultural purposes; it departs from the existing goals and means wanting to create a new system of norms and values and new means to achieve them.

From this we can conclude that deviant behavior is both positive and negative. On this basis, we can assume that it is a defense mechanism and a way of adapting to the different life spheres which is still not fully understood or accepted by the child.

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