Упражнение "Логические уровни"


Define the problem. "For example, some subjects regularly punch me in the face in a dark alley". Further, remaining in the context of answering questions. In order to work with the problem was easier, answering questions, acurite level. For example, lay out 6 pieces of paper with the names of the levels on the table, and, while working with the level, put on the appropriate hand him the piece of paper. Other options are to anchor. So the levels and questions:

  • environment. That surrounds me? Pay attention to the details. In the example, it may a dark alley, mud, slush, in fact the subjects... including myself, as one of the objects of the picture. Respond to, as long as the picture is not quite complete. Many people have such a criterion that the answers are still there: the Hand as if magnetized to the paper. When the answers over, hand unstuck and "glues" to the next.
  • Behavior. What do I do? What other people are doing? For example: I go to lane, actors ask me for a cigarette, I answer: "give to live", after which entities ... entity.
  • Ability. what I voosche can and know how? For example: I can safely enter the darke lanes and to communicate with all sorts of shady characters. Know how to be rude...
  • Values and beliefs. in this situation it is important? Values are often described in one word, rarely a large number of words. Beliefs explain how our values relate to other levels. For example, behavior. For example: freedom is Important. Important coolness. And to be cool, so rude. to Be free is to ignore the danger signals...
  • Personal identity. Who am I? Steep, ham, free man
  • Mission/Purpose. Why am I doing this? What I want to do. What will I get/receive the result? For example: I Want to arrive safely home.

After we answered all the questions, moving on neurological levels "up", go back and pay attention as the answers to the questions change:

  • Personal identity. Who am I? For example: Reasonable.
  • Values and beliefs. in this situation it is important? For example: Important life, health and good appearance. As a consequence of the security.
  • Ability. What I voosche can and know how? For example: Know how to find the lighted way, and to resolve conflict, all parties were alive/healthy/happy.
  • Behavior. What do I do? What other people are doing? For example: I walk along the lighted street. If the path lies through a dark alley, looking for an illuminated path. I go into the lane if safe.
  • environment. That surrounds me? Pay attention to the details. I'm clean, healthy, are on lit street. Around friendly people.

Important: there is no problem each time to go through all the levels. Usually the solution is at a higher neurological level than the problem. For example, answering questions on the behavior, we can see that the problem lies at the level of the environment "in a dark alley" and change environment from the dark alley, "the street/yard", each time choosing a bright way.

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