In psychology, there are several barriers to achieving understanding between people. One of them is the different types of thinking. Depending on the type of the nervous system and the development of logical thinking, all people can be divided into 3 types, characterized by certain features. These peculiarities of thinking are manifested in all spheres of life, including in dealing with people. And in personal relationships, at work and with casual acquaintances.
1.People are more prone to analysis. are characterized by all events in life, personality, people, any information to be subjected to deeper analysis. In the analysis process, they are immersed in a thought process as deep as possible. The result of this analysis, they have accumulated a large array of analytical data which they are not able to process and make them on the basis of a reasoned, informed conclusion. In this regard, their findings and conclusions are incorrect. On the other hand, exposing the deep analysis alone, an interesting aspect of the question, they conclude only with respect to him, ignoring the General outline of the question.
the"Analysts" tend to find "secret meanings" in what the other person, what is "written between the lines," to suspect the interlocutor in withholding some information, the deliberate introduction of misleading innuendo. In this context, "intelligence" is often attributed to the interlocutor a completely different meaning, which is "found" in the result of the analysis. And the actions of people – quite different motives, supposedly standing behind them, but if not perceived by people.
they Usually find a whole set of explanations for a particular action of another person, several meanings spokesman said. Which of the many options in fact correct, they choose intuitively rather than weighing all the "pros" and "cons".
explain to them the fallacy of the conclusions is difficult because the "analysts" are convinced that a profound analysis had led to the conclusion really is true. And attempts of another person through arguments, explanations, bringing in support of its position, other facts, etc. – to reject and see as a desire to deceive, to mislead. However, to convince "analysts" in the end, but building the logic based on serious analysts, bringing an undeniable argument that he is unable to doubt, i.e. on the basis of clear facts and valid conclusions.
Taking a decision, "analysts" spend to think about the options very time consuming. They tend to work out a plan to implement them very thoroughly, identify potential risks and develop contingency plans in the event of their occurrence. However, they have difficulty in making a final decision.
2.People are more prone to fusion. They characteristic a hasty conclusion without much immersion in the analysis of events, facts, information, details about the person, etc. Their conclusions they do, most often, based on some fragmentary information, certain aspects of the process or phenomenon. Surface analysis is just what is, so to speak, on the surface, accessible to simple observation.
They tend to zveroboynym, thinking the cliche, templates.
Communicating with them can often notice that they pass by your attention what's being said, focus your answer only on a single aspect of the subject matter, "pulling" it from a General context. They also often explain the motives of other people based on certain stereotypes. For example, "all businessmen are thieves", "all girls from men only want money, all men - traitors", etc.
the people with this type of thinking are taken quickly and without sufficient consideration of the implementation plan, assessing risks, finding ways to minimize them, etc.
Because the conclusions they make enough of a surface to affect the decision of such people is relatively easy. They tend to take a lot on faith. And with a relatively small number of arguments and analytical calculations, they agree that their decision was erroneous and superficial.
3.People with equivalent pronounced tendencies to analysis and to synthesis. As a rule, they any information is subjected to analysis at an optimal level, allows you to generate in your thoughts quite adequate, balanced and reasonable conclusion.
when Dealing with people, they try to grasp the essence of the above, not plunging in the search for "hidden meanings" on a deep level. They don't tend to think in patterns and stereotypes. They also tend to attribute other statements of his own sense, and the actions of people – imaginary motives. The ability to appropriate analysis, of course, makes them to a certain extent careful in their judgments. However, unlike analysts, do not tend to see in everything and in all some pitfalls.
Of the above three types of thinking the first two are not conducive to achieving mutual understanding in communication between people. The tendency to only one component of the thought process that leads people to erroneous conclusions, is misleading in that sometimes has a negative impact on relationships with others.
Thinking – the process to develop and improve which is possible throughout life. For the development of logic, there are lots of different methods and exercises.