Травматерапия - что это на самом деле?


Already a lot of information about psychological trauma written by  (books, articles, etc.), there are publications for psychologists and potential clients, written in very accessible language.

nevertheless, even in professional environment of colleagues, I still regularly come across the opinion that the work injury is "walk a mile in pain", "to pick open old wounds" and other unattractive definitions. If so I think some professionals in the field of psychology, you can imagine how that can scare word traumatherapie person, who is far from this sphere and, for example, just decided to look for a psychologist to deal with particular issues.

I Want to debunk some myths about traumatherapie, and how its framework works as a therapist. I have an idea that to some extent, a misunderstanding gives rise to the name of the direction "Traumatherapie" (looking ahead, I would say that it would be truer to call it "Resourcetype").

1. NO. Traumatherapie is not an excavation of a trauma so deep and painful. Rather, it seeks to strengthen the human, to give him support, help him become more sustainable, so that his personal traumatic material he'd be on forces "to digest". 

2. NO. Trauma is not always something out of the ordinary: violence, incest, murder, participation in hostilities, accident and the like. Trauma is something with which people could not cope at this very moment (or period) of time when there was a traumatic event, based on the opportunities (resources), which he at that time possessed. Could not cope - in this case means that the event continues in one way or another on his destructive influence.

Here give a simple example. For a two-month baby having a mother for two hours can become an injury (especially if he's crying, calling for her), and for seven-year-old is unlikely to be a significant event.

3.NO.  Traumatherapie does not need to exaggerate just unpleasant event in your life, to argue that it was trauma. Rather, it is human nature not to realize the degree of influence of traumatic events in his life, to devalue their power in every way to try to "not seeing" her. Which is sad, because it is often this factor does not allow man to fully understand and feel HOW MUCH he needs professional support. 

Examples mass. For example, the woman as a child regularly on Fridays was seen returning wasted drunk father. No, he did not brawl, did not beat the mother, but a terrible shame that she regularly felt, hoping that none of her friends or neighbors haven't seen him in this condition, zakopalova inside. And now this woman is "habitually" married to an alcoholic, but does not consider it a problem. "what?!" she says. "my father drank too, and nothing up!". It is not a problem the fact families with a dependent person, no problem that her children down at a meeting with the neighbors after dad's booze. And can you blame her, as she once had as a child, only had the strength to pretend that "this is not" and she habitually looks into the pain.

Sometimes customers consciously go to a psychologist, knowing what trauma is toxic to them (sometimes it's absolutely clear the event), and traumatherapie knows how and at what pace to proceed in order for the client it was only the fact of the biography. And sometimes, clients come seemingly with a simple life request, but may reveal traumatic material. And well, when the psychologist is able to work with it!

About working with trauma I have a lot to write - will continue in the next articles!

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