Терапевтический случай пограничного клиента


Client-Alexandra (Name changed) Aged 30 years. Divorced. Have a daughter 7 years.

the Client came to the first meeting in anxiety. Hard to get confused stop time, 15 minutes late. Alexander talked a lot and without stopping, jumped from one topic to another. The client was difficult to sit  in one place, all the time swayed and something turned over in his hands.

I started to slow down Alexander and after a while was able to determine the approximate demand: Alexander can't pick between the wizard of eyelash extensions and a Bank employee. This choice is before client 1-th time. Creativity or stability and money (refers to it)

the Basic feeling that is tracked –fear. Loss of orientation, the client can't Express your feelings, the loss of support, the shame.

during the session I felt impotent, and interest in the client and her history, the desire to maintain.

By the end of the session, when the alarm subsided, was able to explain the principles of the Alexander work  of the therapy and to conclude a contract for 10 meetings, with the option to extend the contact further.

the Client was in therapy for 1year 6months. Turned on the recommendation of a psychiatrist, whom she had observed about panic attacks.

in the future In working with the client was diagnosed with the following things:

- codependency (living with husband and a drug addict who regularly beat her.)

-panic attacks and psychosomatic symptoms (low blood pressure, fainting, call emergency)

during the 1st six months his task I saw the establishment of client contact with them. Because of the feelings she did not identify, I worked through the body and the breath.

the Difficulty was that the beatings of her husband and father-in-law she was regarded as a better punishment.

Alexander does not accept herself, she was ashamed of herself, she feels guilty. The client considers the beatings as something that she deserved it.

I see increaserevenue message (presumably from the father) "You're nobody, you're Nothing”, “Without me you will die!”

 She really felt that doing something wrong (merge) I supported her through interactome.    

My intervention about my own vision of the situation and the client was confrontional with her increaserevenue ideas.  I rise to a question. Did she really deserve such punishment for their actions. Ie urged to pay attention to its self and worth the punishment.

as a result of the work, the client made an independent choice to divorce her husband. And to leave a relationship where her beaten and humiliated.

the Task of the first half - increase self-esteem and more respect for myself was solved.

With in-law relationship was more complicated, because it helped financially with his daughter. At this stage it was difficult to do without the help of father-in-law.

And my goal, I saw in the help of building healthier boundaries with him.

the Division of responsibilities and rights (Output  from the merger)

the Work was mostly through confrontation (different vision situations associated with his father and daughter)

At some point in therapy, when it could construct the boundaries with his father and some stress in life, sleeping. Borderline clients have included pole idealization (where it denies the reality of the situation, ignored the negative experience of interaction with the father-in-law), the Client decided to accept the offer to live with his father together.

I did not support Alexander in this decision and began to see how some frusteri, crushing the man (the second pole of pogranichnoe)

 that Alexander left out of therapy. Approximately it happened in 1 year.

after 2 months, the Client returned to therapy, realizing that she was in the same situation from which she sought to escape.

I continued my work on an exit from the merge and establish healthier relationship boundaries in her life. But at this stage, it was easier to do, because she already had experience and could identify his anger, and behind it a need.

Through 5месяцев client on the phone made me therapeutic relationship, saying that they will return as will the money.

I believe that the therapy helped her to go from not a healthy relationship and make a choice in favor of a creative profession (the initial request of the client) despite the fact that its financial position deteriorated, but she went to get his interest.

I believe that the therapy was successful, that the client was able to detect values and the importance of their interests. But borderline personality disorder requires a more long-term therapy. Currently Alexander can not pay. So I suspect that the regression will be.

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