Три причины школьной неуспеваемости


"We teach a son lessons to night, many are asking, he slowly makes..."
"My son is very introverted, absent-minded, the school constantly makes mistakes like head in the clouds."
" my son has no motivation for what not to take - then throws."

School failure. The child does not want, can not learn, like the teacher's words and knowledge slipping through the sieve and not settle...
the reasons that the child has no time, no motivation and doesn't understand the material - there are several, and in fact each case should be considered separately.
In this article you will learn three reasons that hinder the child to learn.

1. This low self-esteem. What can affect it? the
first, is how to assess the child at home. It is influenced by actions such as words of love and support.

Comparison of the child with a neighbor to reduce the self-esteem and underscore the merits of him - on the contrary increase. br>
If the family constant quarrels of parents, the child often blames herself. But if it is constantly subjected to domestic violence is a spanking, threats, ignoring the child's needs, overly strict punishment, coldness of parents - low self-esteem, isolation of the child is assured.

When children have low self-esteem, if there are any learning difficulties he cannot overcome because they do not believe in themselves, their capabilities.

His brain, instead of studying, busy lives in fear, it would not punish the parents, it is better to do nothing, or if to do so were punished, because it is probably the only attention given to the child in the family.

He was afraid to take risks, to make mistakes and move on. And without that full training is not possible.

2. The second reason is that your child has hyperactivity or gemodinamicheski syndrome.

And it is very difficult to concentrate on anything to keep the attention. Usually this affects all subjects.
About hyperactive and hypoactive children will discuss in a separate article, as the subject is large.

If a child lacks attention, and the number one reason is possible, and the child has love, support, acceptance in the family, for such children in suitable classes on the development of memory, attention, thinking.

Exercises can be done by parents with a child or to attend special courses.
Grades in all subjects improved significantly!

3. The third reason for the underperformance is that the child gets tired.

Modern children after school visit not one circle, and 3, 4,5...

In elementary school, the behavior of the following more highly, and the child will be out of love for you and the teacher to do lessons, go for 5 circles, and how to manage to study well in school. But that's only because in elementary school, not so many lessons.

When children move into grade 5, he can be every day for 5-6 lessons, they become harder, ask more, teachers are all different. The natural desire in all of this is to relax after school, but... we still have a lot of groups, workshops... children, it's just not pulled.
If you overreact with additional classes, the child will completely refuse to learn and to go anywhere.

Therefore, this period of adaptation in the fifth grade, I recommend parents to reduce the intensity of the visit of additional classes.

Leave at least 2 of the circle in which your child goes with pleasure and without straining. The routine, sleep should be adequate.

And lastly, I will say that the child studied, we must first be in contact with him, and it means to listen to him, to talk, to understand the age characteristics and what happens to it.

to Listen to his opinion, respect his desires and needs, then any failures and errors can be overcome, because the child will have such a strong love and support in the form of parents and yourself!

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