Как пережить измену?


Zing. Beeped the phone. Probably the son of reason wrote something. The husband was taking a shower, from the bathroom came the purr of a song.
impatiently she decided to watch. Message. From whom? Ivan. “good night, my dear. Miss you”. What is this Ivan Ivanovich? Completely out of your mind? Why is it “my home”? And why is it missing?
Mike came out of the bathroom in a towel. Satisfied with the plane after a successful landing.
-Misha, what is this Ivan you wrote?- without thinking asked Natasha.
he Frowned.
-What the hell did you go snooping on other people's phones?
Yes, I thought the Earring were written.
-Shackle. There is nothing to think!- sounded angry response.
-So what is this Ivan Ivanovich? – don't let up Natasha.
I do Not know.
-Why he misses you?
-I Said n e W n a th. Probably a wrong number. - Red.
does this sound Familiar? Told you about such cases? I have so many times said… Oh, those cell phones. How many of them troubles.

What happened?
Then Natasha realized that Ivan Ivanovich is a woman.

Even further Natasha had
to Survive the shock. And then the surprise. And then anger, And then resentment. And then shame. And then in a circle: surprise, anger, resentment. Circles, circles, circles…your Head might explode. Remember, we talked about: when trauma feelings too much. They don't fit in the cerebral cortex and turn into a compote, which does not give to live peacefully and a few minutes. More  just  helps to talk  your  feelings  another  person:  girlfriend  mom  psychologist... So  arranged  psyche: calms empathy. No wonder many,  who cares  treason without end  talk  details  

to pick up the pieces of the collapsed world view. Actually no. The old will be gone. To build a new one. Understand: when did it start? What is the reason? Coincidence or a pattern? What kind of person is Mike? A liar who conspire for many years, or a man caught in a sticky story? How could he? For what it's everything it needed? Something wasn't right? Or the demon?

And then make the decision: what to do? To forgive and never forget? Deliver an ultimatum? To pack up and leave, without waiting for redo?
so, to survive infidelity means:
to cope with difficult feelings;
to comprehend the situation;
make the decision how to behave.

Add anything? What  I think it is important when experience  right?

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