Уйти от конфликта поможет осознание ошибок


to minimize conflicts with others, one should always remember the mistakes that all people who need to communicate with their own kind. Awareness of these mistakes and remembering them will help to understand the conflicts waged by the us and will keep us from possible disappointment in our loved ones, due to misunderstanding of us. But if we understand what happens between us, it will reduce the risk of conflict and help if not to get away from it then, at least, to get out of this situation with dignity.

so the first mistake is the judgment of other people on ourselves. When we evaluate people's behavior, their actions and words, we compare them with their judgments about good and evil, about justice and truth. Moreover, our judgment for us is the ultimate truth beyond criticism and challenge. Only I know how, I know what it is, though, I and only I know how to think, to act and to act by others. And if they act differently, not because I'm not, like I said, they are wrong.

the Second mistake you can call our condescending attitude and emphatic towards others. Almost always, we can afford what we don't want to let other people. We will find justification for their actions, we can find good reasons why we did so, and not otherwise, although I knew that I need not. So we can twist the facts that even they themselves begin to believe in our innocence and faithfulness of the decision. However, when it comes to other people, here we are uncompromising. We find words of accusation and do not wish to even listen to the arguments of the opposite parties, particularly, if violated was our law and affected by our interests.

And the third bug is precisely our interest in meeting our needs that we put higher than the needs and interests of others. Our rights, our interests are seriously protected by our selfishness. No matter how he urged us to altruism, sacrifice and charity, we will not lift a finger if it will not satisfy our needs, if we don't find a profit in it for themselves first. And even if we won't understand, even if it is subconsciously the decision, we from this activity will have a secondary benefit that you will find in our psyche. Although, all we can assure you, including myself that did it absolutely in the interests of other people.

Certainly, after reading these lines, some will ripen the indignation, protest, protest... Might want to accuse me of bias, of bias and even fraud. If there is such a desire, then I recommend to read my article again. And again...

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