Устраняем синдром тревожного ожидания сексуальной неудачи (СТОСН). Боязнь девушек. Сексуальные проблемы


 At the reception I was a kid from abroad who came to Moscow to work. And despite the fact that Russian he didn't know very well, the work still took place, and, as I thought – has been very productive.

    so now in a relationship with a lady who 9 years older. As he said, there is no love, and excitement, and never did.

    Just have it be implemented as man, why not with her…

    We began to address the topic: why there is no desire in sex? – Then I, as a sexologist, psychotherapist and family psychologist, came not on the topic of sex. All sounded forth, mostly about General insecurity in life.

    it was a rented apartment, a small and unstable earnings, total uncertainty.

     the Root of some of the problems came from childhood: my daddy hurt, nedolyublennosti (a lot of children in the family, parents didn't pay much attention to him). He felt, in part, as: “mouth”.

     Now we have removed the former, as he has become independent, and even helps his numerous relatives and parents.

    Next, work on parent-child relationships, and resolving grievances of the distant past. Notice in his psychotherapeutic practice that in families where many children often grow up under-loved adults. This is understandable - parents are not enough.

    But this subject we also had to work in the aspect of classical psychotherapy of childhood.

    And, finally, we began to approach the syndrome of the troublesome expectation of sexual failures, and the subject of STOCK.

    it showed that the guy was handsome, in a teenager: he had acne, plain old clothes of our older brothers, shared unsociable girl was not interested in them.

    it Should be noted that now the client itself is quite nice. Dressed well, clean, tidy. Need to work with the image, and to adjust previous beliefs.

    the secret Here is that if a person looks at the world confidently and positively, then the world in the aspect of the girls is also beginning his interest.

    the Client said, apparently with a current girlfriend it's time to finish. Apparently, these relationships do not need him or her.

    Next, we moved to the topic of what sex work, and erection and potency are always such as he would have liked. All this work will continue at the next therapy session for male sexual problem of the syndrome of the troublesome expectation of sexual failures of STOCK.

P. S. This article is fictional and real characters is irrelevant.

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