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Joint storytelling on compassion 
this is the main practice, which should become a tradition.

the Evening read any fairy tales to practice every day. But to create the emotional connection needed to read the tales of compassion, using a special technique involving reading.

in order to teach the child to listen carefully to tales, it is very important to start to instill his love of hearing, and to do it as early as possible.

the seasons it is necessary to play finger games and tell nursery rhymes, always with the use of touch to activate the tactile sensations.

Kids at this age like:

  • rhyme
  • funny sounds
  • familiar sounds and words
  • easy words
  • emotions.

With this in mind – pick the first poems.
If you are studying baby animals and the sounds they make – to the evening, pick up a short story about this animal, using familiar sounds. And tell or read stories emotionally.

If the child is older than 3 years and before this age he has not developed a love for listening, try the following methods.

During the story ask your child questions to be the name of the main character. This creates a sense of participation, and what the child himself is directly involved, he is interested. You may not specifically look for such tales, and to add questions, reading the usual fairy tales. “Alice in Wonderland” – a good example of a successful engagement, but it's long, the child may not listen to the first question.

Choose interesting, exciting stories and break off their the most interesting place. But choose not to start long stories, because the child may not even listen to “most interesting places”. For example, to start reading to a child with tales of compassion not worth it. Such tales encourage your child to empathize, to feel the pain of the character as their own. And if it does not teach me to love history before he starts to listen to such tales, his away, he just does not want to hear any more of what makes the experience painful emotions, although they are very useful.

Allow the child to engage in mechanical pursuits during the hearing. Many children hard to concentrate on the hearing, they want physical activity. Offer to paint a picture while listening to the stories, it will help him not to be distracted by finding a way to wriggle out and something physically active to do.

Add to the tale funny sounds where this is true, even if they are not in the text, – crowed, myocyte, imitate the sounds that accompany it is described in the history of the event.

If you apply these tools, with time baby will learn to love to listen and will be happy to hear not only exciting stories, but stories on compassion.

Start reading the compassion is with 3 years. And before that read/tell rhymes-nursery rhyme on language development, finger gymnastics, charging.

If the child is crying out of pity for the main characters – this is a good sign, it is necessary to talk to him, offer to come up with your own ending/development stories and to bring to the fact that if in life we meet such a hero in distress, we will orogram, feed, save.


This is another practice to strengthen the emotional connection at the time when the same emotions are lived together, then there is an emotional exchange that forms the emotional connection. So psychological you can consider all games in which there is an exchange of emotions. The theatre of shadows from this point of view is an ideal option.

  1. In the twilight aktiviziruyutsya visual center, which is responsible for emotions. This border is created a feeling of fear, something similar to adrenaline, but little else. No wonder the world of Dating is especially exciting in the dark - darkness intensifies the emotion.
  2. the fact that theatrical performance involves, creating a special emotional background.

you can Start with the presentation of simple shapes, and over time, you and the whole show based on favorite tales to arrange.

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