Тревожные родители- тревожные дети.


Now coming to the end of the first quarter of the school year!
it's time to evaluate the results!
Teachers will assign grades to the kids.

And I suggest You to assess your emotional state!


one point set and if You do not have this symptom of anxiety disorder!

Your concern is disproportionate to the occasion

Increased anxiety differs from normal anxiety is that it is Intrusive, has a negative impact on quality of life and disrupts people's everyday activities. In addition, to be considered a symptom of a disorder, anxiety must appear regularly for six months and every day is harder to control. The level of concern does not reflect the gravity of the situation that caused it. Significant anxiety provoked including perfectly ordinary things, such as obsessive thoughts about a switched on iron (which is actually off) or somehow stacked pillows. br>
You physically ill .

anxiety disorders are the signs associated with the deterioration of not only emotional, but physical condition: dizziness, dry mouth, increased sweating, palpitations, nausea, headache. All these unpleasant symptoms is the result of overload of the sympathetic nervous system, which regulates breathing, digestion and circulation. The brain, learning about the dangers (he doesn't understand real or not), preparing the body for the stressful situation in case the man will have to fight or flee. When this threat to such a reaction really necessary, but those imaginary effects only hurt — they will continue to worry until the anxiety will not go away. br>
You will quickly tire of
fatigue is associated with the production of cortisol (stress hormone) in response to anxiety caused by real or imagined concerns. Cortisol encourages the brain to get rid of the source of stress, but when anxiety disorder is often unclear, which has caused concern. Subsequently, the brain ceases to work under the pressure of this hormone especially when it happens almost every day, and of this there is a General feeling of fatigue. Theoretically, fatigue may be a consequence of other symptoms of anxiety disorders — insomnia or muscle tension — but for now scientists have not found evidence to this effect. br>
You can't sit still
Such a state of anxiety patients describe as "an irresistible urge to move." Anxiety disorder is common among children and adolescents, and restlessness are often found in them. br>
you Have problems with concentration
for a Long time complain of poor concentration and trying to solve the issue with books on self-development and self-discipline? Surely the authors of such papers will say that it's laziness, unwillingness to move forward or dislike the work. Sometimes really good enough motivation to change the situation — but it may be anxiety disorder. br>
You irritable
Irritability arises from the fact that the nervous system becomes hypersensitive to everything going on, not because you have a bad character. Acute reaction to things that had not knocked you out of the rut, is a characteristic sign of increased anxiety. br>
You do not sleep
it is Not unusual to toss and turn half the night before an important presentation or appointment to a new position. But if it happens again and again — without apparent reasons — it is likely that you have an anxiety disorder. Most people with this diagnosis complain of trouble falling asleep or Wake up in the night. In the morning they get overwhelmed and not having time to get out of bed, thinking only about how to quickly go to sleep — and so the circle. br>
now let's count the points!
What happened?
There are among us the honors?
b? Congratulations!!!

Well, Twoness and Threeness are encouraged to think .
And even better - to begin to change the situation,because there are still 3 quarters.
Need help ? Tip?
Write, come for a consultation.

Start to rectify the situation, especially ahead of the HOLIDAYS!!!

Svetlana Kovalyova