Тревожное расстройство: свод основных правил


anxiety disorder includes various types, each of which has its own distinctive features as manifestations, and methods of correction. However, an anxiety disorder, despite the range of manifestations, has a number of rules and beliefs in varying degrees, specific to each type of anxiety disorder. 

an anxiety disorder based on regular experience of fear, of uncertainty, expectations of negative consequences, as well as the conviction that the world is full of dangers, the possibility of which should be regularly monitored.

Why anxious people tend to expect danger? One of the most common cognitive distortions (thinking errors) disturbing person is the so-called “negative filter”. The mechanism of this mental distortion is that people, when faced with an expected event, draws attention exclusively on negative aspects, ignoring the positive.  

the First rule about disturbing the person says: 

“In any situation I should see the danger!”

For this rule lies the conviction: 

“If you find all the information about the possible negative consequences, it will allow me to influence the situation”

Alternative adaptive rule: 

the Situation may be different, but I'll be realistic look at things.

In this case, the new rule does not guarantee a positive outcome, but will help to make the look on the situation to be harmonious, and emotions calm. 

the Second rule anxious person:

Look at the possible negative outcome through the prism of the disaster

For this rule is the belief:

“Any possible negative forecast would be unbearable if come true”

an Alternative rule 2: Arrange the consequences

How to create this rule? To allow in the imagination of a negative outcome and evaluate it rationally, answering the question: “What really happened in similar situations in the past?”

the Third rule is troubling the person:

to Keep the situation under personal control.

For this rule lies the conviction: 

“If I don't control the situation, will something bad happen” 

Alternative rule: to Let go of control of situations

This rule involves immersion in an alarming symptom to follow-up. When a person is in a Supervisory position, he releases the control over the situation. The alarm will remain without control, and, therefore, without its fuel.

the Fourth rule anxious person to avoid anxiety.

Alternative rule: to accept your anxiety

This rule means that it is important to treat anxiety as to the reaction of the passing phenomenon that will go as smoothly and occurs.

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