Таланты и способности: в чем их сила?


Henry's Law of Laborite reads "everyone has the inclination, the talent, the ability to do what it pleases him".

How often do we ask ourselves the questions: "What Can I do in this Life? What is my Ability?".

And so often, we dismiss these questions themselves, like an annoying fly.

But Success, to me, depends on whether we are doing what we have Interest and Talent.

Abilities – that Creative and Destructive Power.

If we follow them, develop them, and invest in their Soul, they give us Strength, Success and, of course, make us Happy.

If not, not finding out, they destroy us from the inside out.

Some examples of practice.

One day for me to the consultation came a young woman. At that time, she earned tutoring and dreamed of working guide. Later this dream came true – she was invited to work as a tour guide on the tourist ship. And still later, she decided to find out what her hidden talent.

it turned Out that she has an amazing ability for writing and psychology, and an amazing talent for Feel Children. I suggested that she child psychology, and therapy].

I Remember her words: "This is exactly what I had dreamed about since childhood" (it's about her dreams to write stories).

this year she had prepared several stories for the publication, entered the University in spite of the dissuasion of family and finally realized that 35 Life begins :) .

Another example.

I was approached by the boy's mother to "assess his talents", although the decision about admission to the faculty of Economics had already been taken.

the First thing I asked her, "Why do you need my help, if you have already decided?".

he received the answer: "I Want to check."

it turned Out that the boy – actor. And looks, talents, and abilities – all I was told about it. Now the boy studies at a prestigious University in Lviv.

Question: whatever happened to him, not if he were aware of his talent now? Most likely, given that the guy is quite smart and independent, by the third year he would have thrown economic University and would be looking for myself for some time. And this time we have him saved. Oh, and money, accordingly, too, because higher education now is not free.

And more.

Beautiful, amazing woman a little older than 50. She was wondering what her talent, because in her Life she has tried many things.

Remember how she said to me on pre-interview: "in school I hated to write essays".

I said, "Why?". And her answer was already part of the puzzle: "Because at that time you had to write AS I SAY, that is, by tracing".

According to the laws of the genre it turned out that she had writing talent. To my surprise (at that time, I saw for the first time in my practice), this activity in her case was consistent with ALL the studied parameters.

Yes, 55. But Michael Litvak, distinguished psychologist, became aware of my talent is 55, and he is now one of the most popular authors in the field of psychology.

there is Always time to change something in your Life.

Every month I make a few career-oriented studies. And very often I face the fact that people KNOW what their Talents are, what their Power.

sometimes They specify – for example, "I loved computers as a child, I just wanted to make games, but my dad told me that girls would be nice just to marry a good guy" (as you may have guessed, it turned out that one of the eligible activities for girls game design).

What unites these seemingly different examples?


Finding your place in this Life.

Yes, this place starts with my MOM and DAD, but continues in our PROFESSION where there is a place special only to our own, which allows us to best SERVE THIS LIFE.

Using the most of what we it is given.

sincerely, Victoria Svidovský.

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